Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Really Great Shabbat at TRY

Shavuah Tov! Shabbat was great! On Friday Night, we went to The Kotel to pray. I tried to go touch the wall, but was pushed back by the people who were praying there, after about half an hour of trying to get to the wall, I finally got there, I touched it, but I felt nothing. I then saw a group of soldiers dancing so I decided to go dance with them. Nothing is better than putting your arm around someone you don't know that is Jewish and sing and dance with them. It is an amazing feeling, I felt connected. 

After about an hour of being at The Kotel, we walked an hour back to the Hava and had dinner and went to sleep. The next day we woke up for temple and got split into two groups. I went to a small Synagogue with about 20 families. It was very different for me because I am used to a huge Temple with many people. The people were very nice, and they gave me an Aliya! After praying, we were split into even smaller groups and went for lunch at the homes of people who are members of the Temple. I was hosted by a family from Belgium. The food was AMAZING. After thanking them for freeing me from the Hava food, we went back to the Hava on our own. We got lost, but eventually we made it back. When Shabbat ended, I went to the mall with friends and stuffed my face with Shwarma. There is nothing greater in this world than Shwarma. 


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